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Hi how to receive prize of jersey? I won november ranking 3th Place...
There continue to be participants who make the same predictions (betting on the highest odds) and all these participants have the same number of points, but you do not block them!!! Block them too like me!!!!
I told you that you can't block me without proof! Do a professional, impartial investigation! Check, view and compare the entire history, such as IP addresses, names, countries, emails, Skrill accounts, PayPal accounts, personal IDs, etc. to the players (participants) Then you will understand that you have blocked me wrongly!!! Because I am your old and loyal member on your site for maybe over 10 years !!!! I have always participated honestly, only and only with my one and only account that I have had for maybe over 10 years!!! I'm not some scammer who recently registered with you!!! My registration is probably over 10 years old!!! Be professional and loyal!!!
You are in no way of benefit to your members on this site!!! You never answer!!!!
Do an investigation! Check and see IP addresses, names, emails, Skrill accounts, PayPal accounts, etc. You can't block me without proof!!!!
You claim that "I have multi accounts" What exactly are these "my multi accounts"? Name them!
When will my account be unblocked from its illegal blocking? And when will you apologize to me for your mistake? Also, when are you going to pay me my honestly earned money?Why and how long will you mock me like this?Shame on you!!!
It is very bad when a person is innocent to be accused of something he did not commit and is not true! God sees everything and one day returns it!
I have been an old member of your site for many years! Do I deserve such treatment? I am really extremely disappointed and offended by your unprofessional and insulting attitude towards me on your part! This is not normal for me!
Answer me what exactly is the reason or you don't know exactly and just like that without any reason or actual violation of the rules on my part you just decide to block me without any adequate and reasonable explanation
Play responsibly 18+